CPGW 068 - EWAC Alloys Limited

An advanced Nickel-Chromium-Molybdenum alloy electrode for resistance to severe corrosion and thermal cycling

Principal Applications:

For joining and cladding applications on 18 Cr/ 8 Ni type stainless steels with normal carbon content.

      •  Joining & cladding of high-strength, high heat and corrosion resistant Ni-based alloys of similar composition.
      • Joining of high-tensile 5-9% Nickel Steels & Nitrogen-baring Duplex Stainless Steels employed in chemical industry and sea water application.
      • Dissimilar joining of above materials to ferritic, austenitic and mild / low alloys steels for applications demanding resistance to corrosion and thermal cycling.

Typical All-weld Chemistry (Wt%)

C S Mn Si Cr Mo Nb Fe Ni
0.025 0.01 0.30 0.48 21.3 9.3 3.6 0.8 Bal

Typical Mechanical Properties:
Tensile Strength:800MPa
Elongation (L=4D):35%